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Showing posts with the label HEALTH AND WELLNESS

Amla – A Translucent Fruit With Nature’s Healing Therapy

Amla or Indian Gooseberry is packed with essential nutrients and delivers nature’s goodness for hair care, skin care, and detoxing of the body. This fruit is known by different names i.e. Amalaki, Avola, Amalika, Emblic, Myrobalan, etc. Enriched with great nutritional value, this fruit is considered a completely nutritious fruit. Indian folks consume this fruit raw or in the form of murabba, juice, candy, or Amla capsule. This small size round-shaped green berry with translucent skin tastes tart to sweet.    Amla is a powerhouse of vitamin C.  100 gm amla is contained of 600mg vitamin C while 100gm oranges contain only 30mg. The nutritional value of the amla capsule or fruit form contains vitamin C 20 times higher than an orange. Being a great source of antioxidants, it contains a range of polyphenol antioxidant properties that prevent the body from cancerous and cardiovascular diseases. Packed with minerals and fiber such as chromium it helps in insulin production. Hence, it is effect

Ayurvedic Face Firming Solution for Skin Tightening

Is it possible to stay young forever? Aging cannot be avoided, but for sure, we can delay its symptoms. Skincare Face firming requires consistency, patience, determination, and proper care. We all start getting sagging skin, wrinkles, and fine lines as we age. Between the ages of 35-40, the imbalanced cells, shrink the skin, and damaged collagen tissues cause aging symptoms. Loose skin is the most uncomfortable symptom that makes you feel older, whether it's the neck area or eyelids.  Loss of elastin and collagen level Invites Ageing Symptoms  Elastin, as the name refers, gives elasticity to the skin and is liable for face firming. As well, the collagen level ensures skin structure and firmness as it has firm-constructed fibers. With aging, the production of both proteins declines. The exposer to UV rays, pollutants, and poor lifestyles also contribute to the deterioration of elastin and collagen.  Face firming is the look everyone aspires for! Ayurveda has gifted us with organic h

5 Wonderful Skin Benefits of Amla (Gooseberry)

We all are becoming more conscious of beauty and hygiene. The rise in pollution and other harmful environmental factors, as well as unhealthy lifestyles, are the reasons for increasing skin problems and leaving us nowhere but to become more conscious. This growing concern for healthy and perfect skin has left us to find an effective and essential option to maintain healthy and flawless skin. Curious what is the most effective substance for skin health. It’s a small green, pulpy, juicy fruit, with healing and medicinal properties, highly regarded in Ayurveda. Yes, we are talking about amla, also known as gooseberry. Ayurveda strongly recommends consuming amla daily for its numerous benefits. It improves skin, hair, immunity, metabolism, and longevity. With the proper understanding of Ayurveda (The Science of Life), BIOAYURVEDA, one of the biggest Ayurvedic brands, has formulated Amla Capsules, with the essence and the purest extracts of amla. With containing powerful anti-oxida

GARCINIA : Can it be a Solution for overweight problems?

Is Garcinia really work for obesity and overweight problems? A frequently search term on the internet. Let’s start with understanding the reality or problem. Weight loss is a bigger concern in the modern era due to the tremendous change in lifestyle. Today we humans have invented countless instruments to make our life more comfortable and convenient but some problems have also come along with the convenience. Weight gain (Overweight) and obesity are some of them. There are many other causes of the storage of excess body fat such as genetic components, excess consumption of junk foods, stress and physical inactivity, etc. How serious the problem is? It is serious, according to a survey, at least 2.8 million people are dying each year as a result of being overweight or obese. Carrying extra fat increases the risk of health problems such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes, several heart diseases, and some cancer, and also can lead to untimely death and disability. This is a h

Anti-Cellulite Oil For Tone And Tighten The Skin

Intro Body care is the very first thing to rejuvenate skin, for younger-looking skin. Aging effects will simply seem on your skin. Anti-cellulite oil type BIOAYURVEDA helps the body to relax naturally. Rose merry helps to deeply hydrate the tissues and makes the skin naturally sleek and supple. Skin started wanting uninteresting and saggy, an individual would possibly feel older or completely different from others. What is Anti-cellulite oil? This  anti-cellulite oil   incorporates a lightweight fragrance. It’s developed to produce the right glide throughout your massage & leave your skin feeling satiny and sleek. Ideal to be used for all sorts of massage medical care together with massage, and deep tissue. Effectively heal wounds, cuts, and infections. a wonderful cleansing agent, the organic essential oils for massage move to create this premium quality Massage oil. How it’s ready From the comfort of your home, this organic massage oil can cause you to feel spoiled &


Moringa can be used to gain energy, and stamina works to control appetite and craving for more food, prevent winkle, develop beautiful skin, prevent anti-aging, aid sleep, strengthen teeth, cure and helps to prevent illness including diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, stroke and. BIOAYRVEDA Moringa capsule has been a coveted title to hold health. Talking frankly, Moringa is referred to as the good body rejuvenator that sets expectations sky-high. BIOAYURVEDA is keeping the title means any tree has to live up to very high expectations. What is Moringa? Moringa contains essential nutrients, amino acids, and anti-oxidants essential to enhanced immunity and well-being and is also known as "mother's best friend" as it is a treasure trove. High calcium, helps to increase stamina so that the body doesn’t feel pain. It helps to nourish the body with its anti-inflammatory actions. It helps to work in nourishing bodily tissues and boost energy levels in a sustainab


Emblica Officinalis (Amla) is one of the oldest superfoods widely used in the Indian system of Ayurveda medicine. It has been an integral part of our diet for years and is called Amalaki in Sanskrit. Even today, this sour delight is found in every Indian Household and is used as a natural remedy for health-related issues. It is believed to be an exceptional remedy for skin, hair, and health ailments. A rich source of Vitamin C, It is been traditionally consumed to keep health issues at bay in India. Luckily our mothers and grandmothers have enjoyed the benefits of this medicinal fruit and followed luxurious Ayurveda recipes all their lives which helped them maintain the glow on their skin and the length of their hair. The vital properties of Amla miraculously boost your immunity, strengthen bones, and reduce signs of aging; your skin feels full of resilience and youthfulness. THE BEST TIME AND FORM TO CONSUME AMLA We can easily incorporate Amla into our everyday diet, and the g