After shampooing, squeeze out excess water. Apply a small indefinite quantity on wet hair & scalp and gently massage. Rinse and towel dry.
LEMON PEEL is loaded with essential sources of vitamins C & B, vitamin B complex, and minerals that facilitate strengthening hair follicles and create hair thick and powerful. its anti-fungal and antiseptic properties, forestall dandruff, and alternative scalp eruptions & irritations. With several natural healing properties, 2. flower or flower helps in moisturizing and softening
CALENDULA or flower helps in moisturizing and soften the hair. It protects hair against harm from ultraviolet radiation rays. It hydrates the scalp, prevents dandruff, and conjointly heals minor cuts and scrapes. associate anti-oxidant, its regenerative properties that stimulate hair growth. its cooling and soothing effects facilitate scalp relaxation.
ROSEMARY is incredibly effective for exciting hair growth. it's powerful anti-fungal, anti-septic, anti-oxidant, and moisturizing properties. It prevents hair loss, premature greying, dandruff, and scalp irritations. it's conjointly helpful in the regeneration of broken hair follicles. It will increase the elasticity and sleekness of the hair.
DALCHINI or Cinnamon nourishes the scalp and imparts a natural hue to the hair. It helps to spice up blood flow to the scalp, stimulates hair follicles, and allows hair growth. It helps in preventing hair loss, dandruff, and unquiet scalp. It conjointly acts as preparation and removes dirt and dirt from the scalp. Its antioxidants and vitamins facilitate the condition of the scalp.
BLACK TEA is jam-choked with anti-oxidant properties that facilitate stimulating hair growth and forestall premature hair loss. it's a wonderful natural hair color. It helps in providing shine and luster to uninteresting and broken hair. Its medicine and anti-septic properties soothe the scalp and take away dead skin cells.
SAGE is incredibly effective in combating hair loss and phalacrosis. Astringent's gift in it facilitates to scale back of dandruff and forestalls preventative hair follicles. It helps in stimulating hair growth and makes hair thicker, shinier, and stronger. It improves hair texture and prevents premature greying. It adds bounce & vitality to the hair.
SHEA BUTTER is wealthy in vitamins A and E, which facilitate nourishing dry hair, repair breakage, and forestall split ends. It helps to guard hair against ultraviolet radiation rays, environmental harm, and warmth styling. Its moisturizing properties forestall several scalp irritations and infections. wealthy with essential nutrients, it prevents hair fall and makes hair follicles stronger.
TEA TREE OIL is wealthy with natural anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties that shield against infections and inflammation. renewing, it nourishes hair follicles, stimulates hair growth, and supports scalp health. Its antimicrobial and insecticidal properties curb dandruff and fight lice. It moisturizes and conditions the scalp.
GRAPESEED OIL could be a natural conditioner and hair revitalizer. It helps forestall split ends, cutting, and hair loss. It provides intense moisturization, reducing dullness and status. it's potent anti-oxidants that area unit noted to stop premature greying. it's a fashionable supply of vitamins A, C, and E that alter hair growth and health.
NEEM OIL or tree Oil has exceptional medicative properties. It contains a high level of antioxidants that facilitate guarding the skin against environmental harm. it's high in essential fatty acids and vitamins. It gets simply absorbed by the scalp skin and alleviates any swelling or inflammation. Its antiseptic properties keep infections treed.